What Ross Geller can teach us about self-leadership

Who can forget the Friends episode when Ross, ask Rachel and Chandler to help him carry a sofa up the stairs?

According to the Oxford Dictionary the word Pivot means to turn or balance on a central point.

I’m sure it wasn’t Ross’ intention, but he has definitely inspired my framework for effective self-leadership. In the workshops or trainings I do with clients we often work with these 3 elements:

      1. Self-awareness
      2. Direction
      3. Tools & habits


To lead ourselves effectively we need to know what we’re good at, what our vulnerabilities are, what we value. In other words, we need a central point to start from, to come back to. To pivot from.


Understanding our ‘why’, being clear about where we’re heading and what we would like to achieve is critical to self-leadership.

As JFK said ’Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.’

As goals change, our circumstances change, we need to be adaptable and use regular reflection to be open to new goals and ways to get there.

Tools and habits:

It’s not enough to have a range of tools and positive habits. Effective self-leaders also have high levels of psychological flexibility – the ability to use different instruments and draw upon different strengths depending on the situation.

So when you’re stuck, when circumstances change, as you evolve – remember to pivot.
        • Stay firmly grounded in who you are, your central point.
        • Keep your eyes on your ’why’, the horizon.
        • And turn, try new ways, gain new perspectives, learn.

Back to Ross in Friends, I’m sure we can agree there is some room for improvement when it comes to his collaboration- and leadership abilities. And things didn’t turn out well for the sofa (see episode clip here). But at least he gave us the Pivot!

If you or your team are interested in Self-Leadership initiatives, feel free to reach out.

Year-end reflection – where do you do your best thinking?

Emma Vallin, Executive Coach

This is the time of the year when many of us stop to reflect on the year that’s gone, personally and professionally. It might be hard to fit in personal time between work projects and Christmas shopping, but hopefully the holiday period will give us some an opportunity for quality thinking.

As with all positive habits, we need to make it as easy as possible for ourselves. Therefore, ask yourself where and how you do your best thinking?

We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey

I’ve always find writing the best way for me to reflect and plan. And some of my best thinking is usually done in very specific places.

First of all, I do my big thinking around things like how I want to live my life, during flights (and long train journeys). But of course, I haven’t done much of that in the past 18 months.

My second favorite place to think is in cafés, writing on napkins. That’s where I do my best career and business planning. The napkin helps because it makes it spontaneous and removes the pressure. I also love that there is limited space on the napkin – as if my ideas are too many and too big to fit on the piece of paper 😊

Recently I’ve discovered a third place – when I’m out walking. It’s when I’m most creative and come up with good (and bad) business ideas. Until recently I always listened to a podcast or music, which is great to inspiration. But I was surprising to find how the ideas started flowing when there was silence.

Where and how do you do your best thinking?

Making it easy for ourselves and exploring where and how we get our best insights and ideas can help us make reflection into a positive habit.

Writing this made me think that perhaps I’m a Lone Wolf who doesn’t need others to reflect and come up with ideas? I definitely think the pandemic has made me more self-reliant when it comes to inspiration. But I get a lot of energy from sparring and discussing with smart, fun, and open-minded people.

And come to think about it, one of the most rewarding activities I’ve done this year is started group Walkflections here in Stockholm.

So, as I close the books for 2021, my conclusion is that I’d like to spend more time bouncing off ideas and discussing plans with some of the interesting and talented people in my network. Consider yourselves warned!

With that I would like to wish you all a restful holiday with time for reflection and interesting discussions.

Lunchwebbinarium 6 maj 12:00-12:45

Prestationscoachen Emma Vallin, webbinariet Pestationsdetox

Prestationsdetox – konsten att prestera hållbart

Kostnadsfritt lunchwebbinarium – registera dig nedan!

Vi drillas från barnsben till att åstadkomma, klättra, prestera och aldrig ge upp. Förmågor som kan ta oss långt. Men vad händer när prestationsbehovet börjar skada relationer, hälsan och på sikt resultaten? Kan vi förebygga stressrelaterad ohälsa genom att förändra våra prestationsmönster?

Coachen och ledarutvecklaren Emma Vallin berättar om sin egen resa från prestationsberoende marknadsdirektör genom ett experiment hon kallar sin Prestationsdetox, till att idag hjälpa individer och organisation utveckla hållbart ledarskap. Det serveras praktiska verktyg och en hel del igenkänning.


    • Alla som är intresserade av självledarskap och personlig utveckling.
    • De som upplever ett prestationsbehov som påverkar hälsa, relationer eller gränsdragning.
    • Chefer och företagsledare som vill förstå och hjälpa sina högpresterande medarbetare att hålla i längden.


    • Kunskap om prestation och negativ stress
    • Möjlighet att reflektera kring dina egna prestationsmönster
    • Verktyg och tips för att du eller dina medarbetare ska prestera hållbart
    • Berättelsen om Emmas Prestationsdetox med risk för igenkänning och  några skratt


’Alla borde se över sitt eget presterande och förhållningssätt till jobb och måsten i livet. Väldigt intressant! ’

’Emmas berättelse är personlig och berör. Den ger hög igenkänning och bjuder på skratt och intressanta reflektioner’

’En på samma gång sårbar och humoristisk föreläsning. Mycket tankeväckande och den gav mersmak.’


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